class: center, middle ### W4995 Applied Machine Learning # Advanced Neural Networks 04/23/18 Andreas C. Müller ??? drive home point about permuting pixels in imaged doesn't affect dense networks (or RF, or SVM) FIXME update with state-of-the-art instead of VGG16 FIXME show how permuting pixels doesn't affect fully connected network, but does affect convolutional network --- class:center,middle # VGG and Imagenet Filters ??? Last time, I showed you a network called VGG, which is a relatively simple network made out of convolutional max-pooling layers and that stated if the art image net at some point. So now, I want to get started by looking a little bit deeper to the architecture of this. --- # Inspecting VGG16 .left-column[.smaller[ ```python from keras import applications # load the VGG16 network model = applications.VGG16( include_top=False, weights='imagenet') model.summary() ```]] .right-column[ ![:scale 90%](images/vgg_model_summary.png) ] ??? This is not really state of the art any more. Here is how you can load the weights trained on image net for his network in keras. So Keras has this application sub-module which has all of these pre-trained models and architectures from the literature and VGG16 is one of them. One thing that's interesting here is that these filters are actually quite small. --- #VGG filters .smaller[ ```python vgg_weights, vgg_biases = model.layers[1].get_weights() vgg_weights.shape ``` ``` (3, 3, 3, 64) ```] .center[![:scale 45%](images/vgg_filters.png)] ??? Here are the filters learned in the first layer. There are 64 filters in the first layer. And these filters are on RGB image so I showed them in RGB. It's very easy to look at the lowest level of weights because the weights work on the image. And as I said before, looking at higher layers of weights is a little bit harder. --- .left-column[![:scale 90%](images/bkny_image.png)] .right-column[.smallest[ ```python get_3rd_layer_output = K.function([model.layers[0].input], [model.layers[3].output]) get_6rd_layer_output = K.function([model.layers[0].input], [model.layers[6].output]) layer3_output = get_3rd_layer_output([[image]])[0] layer6_output = get_6rd_layer_output([[image]])[0] print(layer3_output.shape) print(layer6_output.shape) ``` ``` (1, 300, 192, 64) (1, 150, 96, 128) ``` ]] ??? K.function() allows me to look at a particular input and output of layers. So here, this model.layer[0].input and model.layer[3].output, what it says is, I want to create a function that takes the input of layer 0, then passes it through the graph of the network, and gives me back the output of layer 3. So basically, here I'm plugging into this graph of the neural network. I do the same thing for the sixth layer. With the first max pooling and after the second max pooling. And then I can put in the put in my image and I get as the results the activations. After the first max pooling layer there’s 1 image of height 300, width 192 and 64 channels. After the second max pooling layer there’s 1 image of height 150, width 96 and 128 channels. The convolutions didn't change, the image size, otherwise, would be like 3 pixels less. --- .center[![:scale 75%](images/after_first_pooling.png)] .center[![:scale 75%](images/after_second_pooling.png)] ??? Here is the output of a couple of the filters. The main thing that I want you to take away is that this filter looks at very different things. Some of them are clearly color filter, others look at corners and some looks at the vertical edges and so on. But these are not really easy to interpret in any way. This is very local because this is after two convolutional layers so each pixel in this output image can see at about six pixels in the input image and so these are only very small areas that it can model. After the second pooling layer, it can look at much more pixels in the neighborhood, because each convolution basically extends the area that each unit can see giving different structures, different edge orientations and different edge frequencies. This is one way to sort of look at what the neural network does. --- class: middle ![:scale 100%](images/distill-feature-vis.png) .smaller[] ??? This is a paper on feature visualization in neural networks. This is from Google net, also trained on the same set as image net. What they’re doing is they’re taking the network, they’re fixing the activation in a particular feature map and then they do backpropagation through the network to adjust the input image so that this particular feature map is most activated. This way, you want to create an image that activates this particular feature map or particular filter the most. This is one of the papers in a series of papers about how to restrict gradient descent on the input image to get some nice outputs. These are deeper into the network. In the beginning, it’s like edges of different frequencies and orientations, then you get something like textures, which are already quite rich, and then you get the larger textures, and then you get sort of more object like things and if you go further up, you get something that is very close to object. This sort of allows you to try to understand what the higher layers of these networks detect and it's quite interesting because a lot of these become quite specific. And this is all learned in a completely supervised way so the only feedback that the model got was learning to label these images correctly. But we get very fine-grained features in the network. --- class: middle # Transfer learning --- class: center # Transfer Learning .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/pretrained_network.png) ] .smaller[See] ??? - Train on “large enough” data. - Apply to new “small” dataset. - Take activations of last or second to last fully connected layer. Often we have a small but specific image dataset for a particular application. Training a neural net is not feasible unless we have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of images. However, if we have a convolutional neural net that was already trained on a large dataset that is similar enough, we can hope that the features it learned are also helpful for our task. The easiest way to adapt a trained network to a new task is to just apply it to our dataset and take the activations of the second to last or last layer. If the original task was rich enough – say 10000 different classes as in imagenet – these layers contain a lot of information about the image. We can then use these activations as features for another classifier like a linear model or smaller dense neural network. The main point is that we don’t need to retrain all the weights in the network. You can think of it as retraining only the last layer – the classification layer – of the network, while holding all the convolutional filters fixed. If they learned generic patterns like edges and patterns, these will still be useful for your task. You can download pre-trained neural networks for many architectures online. Using a pre-trained network is sometimes also known as transfer learning. This potentially doesn’t work with images from a very different domain, like medical images. What you do in transfer learning is you basically get rid of the last layer, you look at the second to last layer and you just use the representation in this layer as a feature representation. So this is basically a way to embed the image into vector space, similar to what word2vec did, only now we're embedding this whole image into space, and we get 4069-dimensional representation. People have tried to use neural networks for feature learning for many years, but it never really worked really well. What made this work really well in practice is, this is basically a supervised task, so this whole thing is learned to do this classification in these 1000 classes. So this is a very specific task to optimize, the model tries to be discriminative with respect to these classes. But on the other hand, these 1000 classes spend a whole variety of natural images, a whole variety of different kinds of objects, and scenes, and everything so that to actually perform well on this task, you need a representation of the world that is somewhat generic. So the hope is that these 4000-dimensional feature vector doesn't encode only information about the 1000 classes that we are actually interested in here but more general information about the image. Last time, I showed you neurals that reactive to faces, clothing, there are no categories like faces or clothing in the dataset but still, there are some filters that respond to that. This has been very successful. The reason why we want to do this is it's very hard to train CNNs, and you need a lot of data. So if you have a specific image recognition task, it's very likely that the things you're interested in are not one of the 1000 classes, because you have mostly different breeds of dogs. But you probably also don't have a million training images to actually train an architecture like this yourself. And you really need a lot of training data to make this work. So here, what we're doing is we will use this network learned on this very large, very generic database to learn representation. And then we can use as a representation for different tasks. And this is what you're supposed to do in the last task in the homework. --- class: spacious # Ball snake vs Carpet Python .center[ ![:scale 100%](images/ball_snake_vs_python.png) ] ??? I want to now classify ball snakes and carpet pythons. --- .smaller[ ```python import flickrapi import json flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, format='json') json.loads("utf-8")) def get_url(photo_id="33510015330"): response = sizes = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8'))['sizes']['size'] for size in sizes: if size['label'] == "Small": return size['source'] get_url() ids = search_ids("ball snake", per_page=100) urls_ball = [get_url(photo_id=i) for i in ids] from urllib.request import urlretrieve import os for url in urls_carpet: urlretrieve(url, os.path.join("snakes", "carpet", os.path.basename(url))) ```] ??? --- .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/carpet_python_snake.png) ] ??? I get 100 carpet snake pictures and 100 ball snake pictures from Flickr. This would be way too small of a training dataset to train a convolutional neural network. If we extract features using an existing convolutional neural network, we can learn something like a linear classifier on top of these representations. There is noise in the dataset and similar looking things. --- # Extracting Features using VGG .smaller[ ```python from keras.preprocessing import image X = np.array([image.img_to_array(img) for img in images_carpet + images_ball]) # load VGG16 model = applications.VGG16(include_top=False, weights='imagenet') # preprocessing for VGG16 from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input X_pre = preprocess_input(X) features = model.predict(X_pre) print(X.shape) print(features.shape) features_ = features.reshape(200, -1) ``` ``` (200, 224, 224, 3) (200, 7, 7, 512) ```] ??? VGG16 like each convnet has particular input requirements, for example 224x224 images. Include top=false means I don’t want the last layer which does the 1000 class classification. I need to load the images and convert them into an array in the shape that keras wants it. So you need to make sure that the input has the right representation. You need to also make sure that it's preprocessed in the same way as all the images that VGG16 was trained with. VGG16 was trained in a particular way that image net was cropped. These were 224x224 images, so you need to make sure that whatever you input into your model is 224x224. And the way you bring it to this should probably be the same way it was done for the whole training set. So here for each of the applications, there's also a preprocess input, which basically does exactly the same preprocessing as what was done for the training of the network. And this is really important. Model.predict will take a while for a big dataset because you need to run through these whole neural networks. X_pre is after the preprocessing, I have 100 images of snakes of each kind, it's 224x224x3 and this the right input for the model. And then after I call predict, after all these convolutional layers, I get 7x7 feature map, and there's 512 of them. You could probably also do more smarter things, you could look at the output of multiple layers, like the last layer, the second to last layer, or something like that, I just used the last layer and just flatten everything to get out of it. So here's there’s a little bit of input structure left so still a 7x7 image, but I just ignored the image structure. --- # Classification with LogReg .smaller[ ```python from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV lr = LogisticRegressionCV().fit(X_train, y_train) print(lr.score(X_train, y_train)) print(lr.score(X_test, y_test)) from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix confusion_matrix(y_test, lr.predict(X_test)) ``` ``` 1.0 0.82 array([[24, 1], [ 8, 17]]) ```] ??? On the training set, I get 100% accuracy and on the test set, I get 82% accuracy. It's a balanced dataset, so the chance is 50%. If I did any classification directly on the image, it would be impossible basically. These images are so high dimensional and so varied, that it will be impossible to learn classifier on these images directly. If you look at this image, it's 224x224x3 which means it's like about 100,000, if you think of it as a feature vector. So you would have 100,000 features and 200 examples and training a linear model on this, in particular given how the data is represented is basically hopeless. But using this pre-trained convolutional neural network, we can actually do something quite successful here on this tiny dataset. And this is how convolutional networks are very commonly used in practice. Just select a relatively small dataset that is specific to your domain and you use a pre-trained neural network as a feature extraction mechanism. --- #Finetuning .center[ ![:scale 90%](images/finetuning.png) ] ??? - Start with pre-trained net - Back-propagate error through all layers - “tune” filters to new data. A more complicated variant of this is to load a network trained on some other dataset, and replace the last layer with your classification task. Instead of training only the last layer, we can also keep training all the previous layers, backpropagating the gradient through the network and adjusting the previously learned filters for our task. You can think of this as warm-starting a neural network from one that was trained on another dataset. If you do that, we often want to train the last layer a little bit before we backpropagate through the network. Otherwise the random initialization of the last layer might destroy the filters that we used for initialization. Another option is, instead of just taking the output representation by the network, we can do fine tuning. In fine-tuning, you keep the network but you don't only use it for feature extraction, you basically use the weights learned on the different dataset as initialization. You learn all the weights, you throw away the last layer, because that was specific to the classification task you had. And now you learn like a linear classifier on top, but you not only learn the weight of the linear classifier in the back, you also backpropagate the error through the whole network. Usually, you want to do like a little bit of a burn at the beginning where you tune just the last layer, but then you basically keep learning the whole network, it's probably not going to change the filters too much but it's going to adjust the network to your specific task. But it's much, much easier than trying to learn from scratch. The problem with is that if you have too little data, you can overfit your data very easily. Neural networks have very many parameters so if you try to train them or even fine tune them on a very small dataset, then you're just going to overfit. So depending on dataset size and how similar to image net may be, either fine-tuning or just extracting the last layer might be the best way to go forward. You should really think about convolutional neural networks as doing something fundamentally different than fully connected networks or any other classifier because they use the 2d structure of the input. If you think of the MNest digits, if you shuffled all the pixels in the same way for all of the images, any classifier that we looked at so far, will have exactly the same result. The ordering of the pixels is completely ignored by fully connected neural networks, random forest, SVM, and linear model. If you shuffled all the pixels in the same way for all images, it would look like complete garbage and it would be impossible for a human to actually classify them. The machine learning algorithms do exactly the same thing if they’re not shuffled. They completely ignore all the neighborhood structure and they’re similarly accurate. On convolutional neural networks, it really makes use of this neighborhood structure of the networks. So if we shuffled all the pixels, the convolutional network will completely fail because the neighboring pixels don't have anything to do with each other anymore and the convolutional network could not learn anything. So this is sort of a crucial difference between how the convolutional networks work versus how any of the other classifiers work. They really make use of the topology of the input space to this structure. And if you didn't do that, so for MNest you could do something even if you ignore the pixels structure, you will not get anything. So it's really important to use something that's aware of the image structure. --- #Adverserial Samples .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/adverserial.png) ] .smallest[
[Szegedy et. al.: Intriguing properties of neural networks]( ] ??? Since convolutional neural nets are so good at image recognition, some people think they are pretty infallible. But they are not. There is this interesting paper about intriguing properties of neural networks, that introduces adverserial samples. Adverserial samples are samples that were created by an adversary or attacker to fool your model. Here, they changed images to be classified as Ostrich by AlexNet trained on imagenet. The picture on the left is change just slightly, and went from correctly classified to classified as Ostrich. This technique uses gradient descent on the input and requires access to all the weights in the network to create the samples. Given how high-dimensional the input space is, this is not very surprising from a mathematical perspective, but it might be somewhat unexpected. requires the weights, done by gradient descent. --- class: middle # Convolutional Neural Networks # for Text Classification --- # Word Level CNNs for Text Classification .smallest[[Kim - Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification (2014)](] ![:scale 100%](images/word-level-cnn.png) ??? One way you could do text classification is to do convolutional networks over words. The input is “wait for the video and don't rent it”. You could represent each of these words, either using one hot encoder, or a word2vec representation which is used here. Then you can apply convolution neural network in 1D, to basically do convolutions over the sentence, and do max pooling over the words in the sentence and then at the end do a fully connected layer. And as we did for images, you can use this for classification tasks. So in theory, you could start with one hot encoding of the words and just sort of learn this representation in a supervised way here. But people found that initializing them with word2vec representation might be better. Here, basically, we learn fixed length k representation, for example, 300 for each word, then over these we do convolutions. The convolution filters are very long and narrow since here they go only over two or three words but they go over all of the k features. --- class: center # Datasets ![:scale 60%](images/word-level-datasets.png) ??? Here are some datasets that tried this on. The convolution neural network needs a fixed size input. So we had to reshape all the images to be the same size. Basically, they have a maximum size for the sentences. --- class: center ![:scale 100%](images/word-level-cnn-results.png) ??? rand: random initialized static: used word2vec embedding (and random for out-of-vocabulary) non-static: fine-tuning multi-channel: one fixed and one fine-tuned word2vec channel rand doesn't seem so good. Rest pretty much the same. Pretty competative (at the time) against highly specialized networks. Here are some results of this compared against ‘then’ state of the art. They’ve tried 4 things. Doing CNN initializing everything randomly. In CNN static, the first layer is initialized with the word2vec representation. So you just use the word2vec representation that was learned on like the Google News dataset, and you keep them fixed, and you only tune the consecutive layers. This works quite a bit better. In CNN non-static, you do also sort of fine-tuning of the first layer. You initialize with a bag of words, and then you train the whole neural network also changing the input representations. CNN multi-channel is doing both of these. So it has one-word representation initialized to word2vec that keeps fixed and one that's initialized with word2vec but that can be modified. CNN random, static, and non-static performs relatively similar over these datasets. But you can see that initializing with word2vec is kind of important, and it doesn't really matter if you fine-tune or not that much. --- class: center # Learned Representations ![:scale 30%](images/word-level-embeddings.png) ??? removes sentiment ambiguity in word2vec If we fine-tuned or if we changed these word2vec, we’ll have new representations. And we can look at what does this word embedding now look like, after we fine-tune them for the supervised classification task. Here, this is on a sentiment task. The static channel is basically what's closest in the original word2vec space. Closest to bad is good, terrible, horrible, and lousy. Since good and bad are in the same context, the closest word to bad is good, which for classification task doesn't really make a lot of sense. Similarly, the second closest one to good is bad. You can see that if you allow your model to fine-tune that, you actually get something more reasonable and so now we can learn that good is actually quite different from bad. People tune this all the time. But this is sort of a reasonable way to approach a text application task, doing convolutions over words and initializing with word representations learned on a bigger dataset. --- class: middle # Character Level # Convolutional Neural Networks # for Text Classification ??? There's also a different way you can apply convolution nets for text classification, which is doing character levels. This can be particularly helpful if you have very short texts or if you have weird characters in your text like tweets. --- class: center # Character Level CNNs for Text Classification .smallest[[Zhang et. al. - Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification (2015)](] ![:scale 100%](images/character-level-cnn.png) -- ![:scale 50%](images/character-nn-characters.png) ??? Need to cut to fixed-length input. 70 characters temporal max-pooling. Now, instead of basically each input being a word, each input can be a character. We have one hot encoding of the characters here and then again, we can do convolutional filters over time, and do max pooling over time. Again, we can look at the text as a 1D sequence. Now it's a sequence of characters not of words. They used 70 characters here in this work. They looked only at the beginning 1024 characters of each document. So this is kind of neat because you don’t get rid of the tokenization. For the other one, we need to do tokenization, and we need to do preprocessing and normalization. For this, it just takes the raw text. So basically, you forget all that you’ve learned about NLP, and you can just do this convolution. --- class: center # Datasets .padding-top[ ![:scale 100%](images/character-cnn-datasets.png) ] ??? Much bigger than for word-level! epoch size: dataset size / minibatch size. These datasets are of one or two orders of magnitude bigger. So previously we had like 10,000 samples, now we have 3 million samples. So you need a lot more data to learn character level CNNs since you threw away a lot of the information but what we knew about words. We know about the text, that text is made out of words, if we learned this model, you basically threw away this information. Like the white space, character is not encoded in any special way, it's just like any other character. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 75%](images/character-cnn-results.png) .smallest[ Later improved in [Conneau et. al - Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Text Classification - 2016](] ??? Might be good for very short texts, not necessarily the go-to solution (yet). Here are some results on this. First thing I want you to notice is that ngrams with TFIDF are state of the art on half of these datasets. They are doing like a whole thing to learn… like they’re using a 1,000,000 samples to train this very complex CNN that tries to learn character levels, but they're not doing better than what we did with the bag of words and TFIDF. Bag of means is using word2vec and this is slightly more sophisticated than just averaging all but basically, this is using pre-trained word2vec and tries to do classification on this word2vec representation. This worked way worse than a bag of words. The other thing that's interesting to notice is that the bigger the network, the better it gets. ‘Th’ means they augmented the dataset with a thesaurus. So they replaced words by synonyms from a thesaurus. And that makes the model a little better. It helps if you have 3 million samples to augment the dataset using a lexicon. I think it's a little bit weird to use a lexicon here because sort of the point of all of it was to learn language understanding from scratch. That was actually the title of this paper originally. This also works if you have very short text. So if you have short text and giant datasets, this might work better than the bag of words. But you definitely try the bag of words first, because this will be hard to train, and it will take longer. Whereas, the bag of words will probably take like half an hour. --- class: center, middle # Advanced Architectures ??? Two of the main tricks that we talked about were drop out and batch normalization. These are 2 things that are basically used in all state of the art models. Now, we're going to talk about some more recent tricks that people keep using. --- class: center, middle # Deep Residual Networks (ResNet) [He et. al. - Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (2015)]( ??? One that made quite a big jump in performance is deep residual networks. --- # Problem ![:scale 90%](images/resnet-no-deep-nets.png) ??? We can't fit deep networks well - not even on training set! "vanishing gradient problem" - was motivation for relu, but not solved yet. The deeper the network gets, usually the performance gets better. But if you make your network too deep, then you can't learn it anymore. This is on CIFAR-10, which is a relatively small dataset. But if you try to learn a 56-layer convolutional, you cannot even optimize it on the training set. So basically, it's not that we can't generalize, we can't optimize. So these are universal approximators, so ideally, we should be able to overfit completely the training set. But here, if we make it too deep, we cannot overfit the training set anymore. It's kind of a bad thing. Because we can’t really optimize the problem. So this is sort of connected to this problem of vanishing gradient that it's very hard to backpropagate the error through a very deep net because basically, the idea is that the further you get from the output, the gradients become less and less informative. We talked about RELU units, which sort of helped to make this a little bit better. Without RELU units, you had like 4 or 5 layers, with RELU units, you have like 20 layers. But if you do 56 layers, it's not going to work anymore. Even it's not going to work anymore, even on the training set. So this has been like a big problem. And it has a surprisingly simple solution, which is the RES-NET layer. --- class: center # Solution ![:scale 60%](images/residual-layer.png) `$$y = F(x, \{W_i\}) + x$$` -- `$$y = F(x, \{W_i\}) + W_sx$$` ??? instead of learning a function. learn the difference to identity. if sizes different, add linear projection. Here's how the residual layer looks like. And the idea is, let's say you have a bunch of weight layers, instead of learning a function, we learn how the function is different from the identity. So you're not trying to model the whole relationship between x and y, you want to model how is y different from x. In practice, what happens is you have multiple weight layers, usually like 2, and you have skip connection that gives the identity from before these layers to after these layers. So basically, if you set these weights all to zero, you have a pass-through layer. And this allows information to be back-propagated much more easily because you have all these identity matrices, so something always gets backpropagated. So this obviously only works if y and x have the same shape. So in CNNs, often the convolutional layers have sort of the same shape. But then you also have max-pooling layers. And so what you can do is, instead of having the identity, you use a linear transformation. And this way, the gradients can propagate better. So just seems like a very simple idea but people have tried it before and it really made a big difference. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 25%](images/resnet-architecture.png) ??? dotted lines are linear projection, others are identity. MTG19, which a state of the art neural network before and these are all the layers. Next to it is a 34 layered, convolutional neural network. And then is the residual network. For each pair of two layers, you add in a skip connection. This black arrow is just an identity mapping because things are the same size. If there's pooling, there's this dashed arrow, which is a linear transformation. But basically, they're sort of a pathway that allows you to project the identity from the very beginning to the very end. Or from the output signal you get back towards the beginning. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 100%](images/resnet-success.png) ??? Here’s the result. The solid line is the training error and the bold line is the test error. The lines are depicted over the number of iterations. So what you can see here is the 18 layers works well than the 34 layers. And the training set is worse than the test set everywhere. But with the 34 layers, even the training set can’t beat the test set of the 18 layers. The next one is exactly the same architecture, but we put in all these identity matrices. And now we can see that the 18 layer is pretty unchanged. But the 34 layer is now actually better than the 18 layers. And in particular, we can overfit the dataset a little bit. This is a much better result than before. And when you publish this, this was state of the art and quite a big jump. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 80%](images/resnet-results.png) ??? uses batch normalization and dropout. 152 layers is a whole lot of layers. ResNet is by Microsoft. So after this came out, people in Google stole the ResNet trick from Microsoft and then they got better. So residual networks become widely used after they published this. --- class: middle, center # Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNet) [Huang et. al - Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (2016)]( ??? DenseNet tries to solve a similar problem in trying to learn deeper networks. But the approach they take is somewhat different. --- class: center ![:scale 60%](images/densenet-architecture.png) ??? Previously we had each layer connected to the layer before it. In DenseNet, each layer is connected to all the layers before it. This allows the last layer to be connected to the input and the output in a more direct way. The hope is that you can learn more easily. But since these are all convolutions, this only works if they have the same size. --- ![:scale 80%](images/densenet-architecture2.png) ??? So basically, they added dense blocks into the convolutional network. And then between the dense blocks is convolutional pooling to basically reduce the dimension. The connections between the convolutional layers are not just only the next one but all other convolutional layers. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 70%](images/densenet-vs-resnet.png) ??? uses batch normalization and dropout. These networks get even better than ResNet. If you make the network bigger and bigger, error drops down. But DenseNet gets the same accuracy with three times fewer parameters. And if you add parameters or layers, it gets even better. One of the reasons why you might be interested in parameters is because you need to store them, which means you need bigger GPUs. And if you want to do prediction, it takes longer, because you need to compute more. So they also showed a graph of computation, and DenseNet basically computes quite a bit faster than ResNet. If you're interested in this kind of architectures, you should also look up Inception. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 90%](images/pretrained-nets-in-keras.png) ??? Here are all the things that are inside Keras. Inception is created by Google by copying from Microsoft. These are pretty well-performing models but this list changes daily. --- class: center, middle # Recurrent Neural Networks ??? Recurrent networks are usually used for time series, or generally for sequential data. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 100%](images/recurrent-neural-net.png) .smallest[ Images from ] ??? In RNN, we have an input, hidden layer and an output. Basically, the hidden layer is connected to itself. So at the first time step, you get some input here, compute the hidden layer, and get some output. At the second time step, you get some input again and compute some output, but you can also look back to the last hidden layer state. But the weights are all shared. So the matrix, U, V, and W are constant all the time. This is done if you have a time series or any series that you want to tag everything in the series. So for example, in NLP people like to know is something a noun or a verb. So if you feed in a sentence, then for each word it would say what kind of word it is, as a part of speech tagging. Or if you want to make a prediction over time, if you have an input signal that evolves over time, and you want to predict an output signal, then you could also use that. Here basically, this works if you have two parallel sequences and if you want an output for each element in the input sequence. The problem is that if you have long term dependencies, this doesn't work very well. If the output here depends on the input way back then the network will have forgotten about this. Because you always have the same weight matrix V and it just propagates information forward and forward. It's very hard for a network to remember things that happened previously. So as to overcome this problem, people started using LSTMs. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 100%](images/LSTM.png) .smallest[[Hochreiter, Schmidhuber - Long Short-Term Memory (1997)](] ??? Which stands for long short term memory. This is from 1997. It was ignored for 10 years. But now it's all the rage. The idea is that now the hidden layer looks like this. The idea is that you have multiple parts of this hidden layer, which influence how you use the last state, how you use the input, and how you're going to propagate it forward. Here at the current time step, there's weight matrix Ft, this is a multiplicative influence on the last Ct, which is sort of one part of the memory. There's two parts of the memory, Ct and Ht. Lt is how much the current activation influence Ct. TanH is a layer that's the new activation of Ct. The final output gate that says how much should Ct influence the output in H. So basically, Ct is sort of a control stream, and Ht is the activations. So instead of having one hidden layer, you have the hidden layers made out of some memory, some forget, some waiting and some gating. So each layer would be replaced by one of these. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 100%](images/GRU.png) .smallest[[Cho et. al. - Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation(2014)](] ??? Since they're so complicated, a friend of mine came up with this thing called the GRU which is simpler. Here, you only have a single string of hidden data, and you have something like a forget gate. The idea between these forget gates is you want to be able to propagate error more easily and they are something similar to shortcut connections over time. Basically, if there's no influence coming from Xt on σ and σ channel, then the information just flows through directly. And this basically is similar to the shortcut units in the RES-NET only like 20 years earlier. So here the idea is to allow backpropagation through more time by having some quite intricate structure. This a little bit faster and a little bit easier to understand. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 100%](images/lstm-unrolled.png) ??? But I think most people are using the LSTM these days. Each hidden layers basically replaced by one of these. So here, for each time step, you put in the LSTM layer that has these two streams of data coming from the last LSTM layer, and you produce an output. This is a state of the art for doing things like parts of speech tagging, or just predicting on time series or predicting on any kinds of series. This is pretty easy to do with keras or any other deep learning toolbox. Unfortunately, not that many problems have this form. Often you want to have interactions between sequences where they don't have the same length, for example, text. Also, they might have long term dependencies. So for example, if you want to translate German to English, the word that you say at the end, might depend on the word that was said in the beginning, and the other way around. So if I tried to do something like this, the output here might actually depend on the input later, in a sentence and so you can do it with this architecture. Also, they will have different lengths, everything is longer in German. --- class: center, middle ![:scale 100%](images/seq2seq.png) .smallest[[Sutskever et. al. - Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks (2014)](] ??? Here, you have an input sequence, A, B, C, and you want to predict the sequence W, X, Y, Z. And so what you do is you start reading the input sequence token by token or word by word, in this example, you start reading A, B, and C and read the end of sentence. Once the model reads end of sentence, you start trying to predict. And then you predict, predict, predict until the model predicts end of sentence. For each new prediction step, you also feed in what was the output of the last step. And then again, you train this thing with backpropagation. It's called back progression through time, because you need to backpropagate along this whole sequence. The surprising thing about this is this actually works. --- class: center # Machine Translation ![:scale 45%](images/seq2seq-machine-translation.jpg) ??? This is how it looks in practice. This an example of machine translation taken from TensorFlow tutorial. This model is just trained doing backpropagation. And it learns to translate languages properly. This is how Google Translate works. The structure of the two sentences is quite similar. But these sentences are not aligned in any way. You just have an input sequence and an output sequence. It works for any 2 sequences basically. This is called sequence to sequence learning. With this architecture, you can learn to predict any arbitrary sequences. --- class: center # Question answering ![:scale 80%](images/general-qa.png) .smallest[[Chen et. al. - Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions](] ??? These are actually training examples. There are datasets of questions and answers. The model is supposed to learn these using a context paragraph. Making this actually work is more than just doing a sequence to sequence but the main architecture, the main component, is a sequence to sequence. So here, it tries to predict from the question the answer using some context. This is actually from a training set but the model actually performs reasonably well on this. Of course, these networks need a lot of data to train, they take very long to train and you need to fiddle around with it a lot, you need to do things like batch normalization drop-out and so on and you need these weird LSTM layers. But there's a whole lot of research happening in this kind of space. People have been using recurrent neural networks also to learn word representations that are sort of more powerful than word2vec. --- class: middle # Questions ?