class: center, middle ### W4995 Applied Machine Learning # Time Series and Forecasting 04/24/19 Andreas C. Müller ??? Today we'll talk about time series and forecasting. FIXME screenshots of pandas dataframes :( FIXME much more polish FIXME time series classification FIXME PCA / clustering on time series FIXME general autoregressive models. FIXME dynamic time warping FIXME too short?! FIXME deprecated pandas API on slides. FIXME resampling slides bad images FIXME resampling slides weird scroll bar FIXME slides mix weekly and monthly data FIXME order weird, modeling trend part weird FIXME maybe start with sklearn part FIXME AR model with trees FIXME trend modeling part is weird? FIXME generally weird order? --- class: center, middle # Tasks ??? I want to talk about different tasks that are associated with time series that you might come across. --- # 1d Forecasting .center[] ??? - 1d time-series forecasting - Number of customers (naive) One of the most common tasks is 1D forecasting. 1D forecasting means you have a time series, you have the history of the time series, and you want to predict how this time series will evolve in the future. There are no additional features here, only the history of how does 1D signal evolve. This example here is of a toy dataset of the CO2 concentration on top of a volcano in Hawaii. --- # Nd Forecasting .center[] ??? - Multivariate time-series -- forecast all - Stock market You can also do ND forecasting where you're simultaneously trying to forecast multiple times series. Here are 3 different stocks. You might observe the history of these and determine how they will evolve in the future. These 3 stocks are simultaneously the featured input that we learned from and things we want to predict. I don't recommend trying to predict the stock market, though, that doesn't work. --- class: spacious # Feature-based forecasting (expanatory variables) .center[] ??? - Multivariate time-series -- forecast one - Number of customers (with features) You can also have feature based forecasting where we have an additional explanatory variable. For example, this is trying to predict the energy consumption of a household based on the weather. Here, you're trying to predict 1D time series, but you also have not only the series of the past, but you have the explanatory variables that you can measure. Since you have a measure of them from the past so you’d know how much energy the household consumed, what the weather was, how much was spent on heating and light and something like that. And also, when you want to make a prediction, you also know for that point in time what the weather was. So this more closely resembles the supervisor models that we’ve seen so far. Here, we have the features and the targets separated. In the other cases, we didn't really have features and the target separated, we just had the 1D series. --- # Time Series Classification .center[] ??? - Time-series classification (1d or Nd) - Activity from smart phone sensors The other tasks were all sort of regression tasks and you usually want to predict a continuous variable. In time series classification, you don't actually want to predict a time series but given a time series, you want to label the time series. Here in this example, this is energy data. We have the energy signatures of different appliances in a house. So you see basically the energy consumed by a household and you want to detect what appliance was turned on and off. You have a 1D signal, which is how much energy do they consume and you want to classify this signal to determine which application was turned on. Here, the output is a single label labeling a time series. These are actually quite different tasks but you should be aware of what you want when you work with a time series, do you want to predict the time series? Do you want to forecast the time series? Do you have explanatory variables there? Or do you want to just label a whole time series? Depending on what you want to do, there are several different challenges. --- class: spacious # What's different? - Forecasting: Not iid - Classification: Not necessarily same length ??? The main difference is that for the first 3 tasks, the data is not IID. You don't have features and targets and the targets are independent of each other, given the features, but you have temporal component and over time, they might be a trend there or at least, a correlation. So at different times, the output will be correlated. We need to have basically completely different tools to work with this. You could try to make an assumption that given your explanatory variables, your targets are IID, but it will probably give you a bad model. And more importantly, if you do an evaluation, it'll give you too optimistic evaluations. Usually, in the underlying time series, there’s some drift in the concepts, things just don't stay constant over time so when you evaluate, you need to take into account that things change. Usually, you want to learn from the past and predict the future. So you need to make sure that you do this in your evolution. If you want to do time series classification, we're actually not going to talk about this today. But the main the struggle here is getting a feature representation of a time series. So then this often becomes more of a feature extraction problem, how can I get a fixed length feature vector from a time series? Usually, these time series are not the same length or you have a continuous series and you want to classify parts of it, you want to detect an event happening. To make this into a standard supervised classification problem is a little bit tricky. The main thing we're going to talk about today is 1D forecasting. --- class: middle # Preliminaries ??? I want to talk about some preliminaries about how to handle time series. The first thing you should think about with time series is what the measurements look like, or how are the measurements taken. --- # Measurement frequencies `$$ (x_{t_1}, y_{t_1}), ... (x_{t_m}, y_{t_m}) \quad t_1 < t_2 < ... < t_m $$` Equally spaced: $$ t_{i+1} - t_i = const$$ -- Unevenly spaced: $$ t_{i+1} - t_i \quad varies $$ aka "Point processes" in statistics ??? Equally: - 1 second, 1 day, 1 year Unevenly: - Event time series (earthquake, trade, ...) The simplest case is if the time steps are equally spaced, from one step to the next is a constant. That sort of makes it much easier to work with things. If you look at daily stock prices or weekly measurements of CO2 concentration, or if you look at daily users, daily sales, something like that, you have something that is equally spaced. Other things are like per minute, per second, something like this, but they’re always at the distance. The offset obviously is if you have unevenly spaced time series. This is often the case if you have events. So if you look at stocks on a very granular level, and look at every buy and sell event, for example, they would be at arbitrary times. --- # Examples .left-column[ .center[Evenly spaced  CO2 Measurements] ] .right-column[ .center[Unevenly spaced  Volcanic Eruption Deaths] ] ??? Today only evenly spaced. For uneven: sometimes aggregates over fixed periods make sense Here are 2 examples of what this looks like. So for example, on the left, we can see the co2 measurements that are taken weekly and on the right, there’s people's death and volcanic eruptions which are taken whenever there is a volcanic corruption, which is at very irregular interval, but you still might want to be able to learn from series where the event happened at irregular intervals. We’ll mostly talk about the simple case of evenly spaced time series. For unevenly spaced time series, a common method is to just aggregate over a fixed period. So if you have things that happen, for example, at several times during the day, look at daily averages, or hourly averages. There are a dataset people often use like bike rides in New York. Every individual bike ride has like a different start and end date at completely irregular times but you can say how many people rode a bike every hour, or how many people rented a bike in a specific hour, how many people returned a bike at a specific hour. This doesn't always make sense so be careful if you do this. But this is one of the easiest ways to go from unevenly spaced time series to evenly spaced time series. The reason for an evenly spaced time series is that basically all of the models assume this and if you want to make a prediction, you need to state what you want to make a prediction for. And so if you have evenly spaced time series, you can determine when the next step is going to be. If you don't know when the next time steps are going to be then it’s much harder to make a prediction. --- class: center, middle # Data reading / munging with Pandas ??? So if you work with any time series, I highly recommend you to work with Pandas. Pandas are really great for time series data reading/data managing. This is actually one of the main things Pandas was developed for. Tabular data and time series are somewhat distinct things, but Pandas does both of them. The interface is a little bit weird because it tries to do these two things that are sort of not entirely related. --- # Parse Dates .smaller[ ```python url = "" names = ["year", "month", "day", "year_decimal", "co2", "days", "1 yr ago", "10 yr ago", "since 1800"] maunaloa = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=49, header=None, delim_whitespace=True, names=names, na_values=[-999.99]) maunaloa.head() ``` ] .center[] ??? --- # Parse Dates .smaller[ ```python maunaloa = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=49, header=None, delim_whitespace=True, names=names, parse_dates=[[0, 1, 2]], na_values=[-999.99]) maunaloa.head() ``` ] .center[] ??? Multiple columns combined to a single date ! You can parse multiple columns in a data frame together as a single date. Parse_dates is very, very flexible, and allows you to basically parse any string representation of dates into a date object. You can give it a single column, and it’ll try it's best to figure out how does the single column represent the date or here, in this case, I gave it 3 columns, year, month, day and it just automatically parsed them together. This is now not just a concatenation of these strings, this is actually a representation of the date, which is much harder to get. Don't try to do date parsing yourself, Pandas is pretty good at it. Pandas have a lot of time series functionality and it assumes that the data is indexed by a time series. If you want to do time series analysis, you really need to use the index for the time dimension. --- # Time Series Index .smaller[ ```python maunaloa = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=49, header=None, delim_whitespace=True, names=names, parse_dates=[[0, 1, 2]], na_values=[-999.99], index_col="year_month_day") maunaloa.head() ``` ] .center[] ??? - Can also use set_index if we already read the data it. You can also set the index column. Here, I set the index column to year month day. If you already read the data frame, you can also use the set index function to set the index to a date time column. This now makes this whole data frame a different kind of object, because now it's really representing a time series. Pandas think quite differently about things that are indexed by time data. --- class: spacious # Mauna Loa CO2 Dataset .wide-left-column[ .center[] ] .narrow-right-column[ .smaller[ ```python maunaloa.co2.head() ``` ``` year_month_day 1974-05-19 333.34 1974-05-26 332.95 1974-06-02 332.32 1974-06-09 332.18 1974-06-16 332.37 Name: co2, dtype: float64 ``` ] ] ??? The gaps in the plot are missing values. The timestamp is always regular but there are some missing values. --- # Backfill and Forward Fill - Simple "imputation" method .smaller[ ```python maunaloa.co2.isnull().sum() ``` 20 ```python maunaloa.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) # or bfill maunaloa.co2.isnull().sum() ``` 0 ] - If we resample later, we could also just drop ??? In time series, there's actually a very simple way to do imputation, which is very stupid, but very common. So here, there are actually 20 missing values in this whole series. If we have very few missing values, or if we really don’t care about the precision as much, there are methods called FFILL (forward fill) and BFILL (backward fill). They basically just fill in the last value. Usually, you don't want to have information from the future propagate to the past so ffill in many application makes more sense than bfill. This is only possible because we set the index to be a time series index otherwise it wouldn't really make sense to say I want to forward fill the rows. Here, it looks at the previous time step and fills it in. This makes most sense if you have something at regular intervals. If you want to resample the data like if you have irregular intervals, or if you think that the data is much too granular and you want to accumulate it, you can also just drop the columns. So if afterwards, you're just going to average, you can just average less values, and it's going to be fine. Q: Can the index column be unsorted? Try and find out. --- class: compact # Resampling .left-column[ .smallest[ ```python # resampling is lazy resampled_co2 = maunaloa.co2.resample("MS") resampled_co2 ``` ``` DatetimeIndexResampler [freq=
, axis=0, closed=left, label=left, convention=start, base=0] ``` ```python resampled_co2.mean().head() ``` ``` year_month_day 1974-05-01 333.1450 1974-06-01 332.0280 1974-07-01 330.7125 1974-08-01 329.0725 1974-09-01 327.3240 Freq: MS, Name: co2, dtype: float64 ``` ] ] .right-column[ .center[] .center[] ] .reset-column[.smaller[] ] ??? Resampling is helpful if you want different granularity of your data or if you have data that is with heterogeneous samples. The resample method in Pandas takes a string which tells it how to resample. If I want to represent each resample period, for example, by its mean, I can do mean and this will give me the mean over each aggregate period. On the right, we have a table of all these different periods, MS is month start frequency, it resamples to months, starting at the start of every month. There's many more of those. That's mostly because Pandas was developed in a business context where there are many different time steps that might be of interest, like business days, or quarters, or business years, and things like that. This is sort of the easiest way in which you can get a homogenous time series. Here, I have for each month, a single point indexed with the first day of the month. --- .smaller[ ```python maunaloa.co2.resample("W").mean().plot(marker="o", markersize=1) maunaloa.co2.resample("AS").mean().plot(marker="o") maunaloa.co2.resample("3AS").mean().plot(marker="o") ```] .center[] ??? We can also look at what this looks like. So here I have weekly averages, yearly averages, and you can also add multiples, so this is three-year averages. The green one is just regular time series with 3-year intervals. It's an important decision to determine the frequency you want to work on. The green time series looks very different from the blue time series. There is a very irregular periodic pattern in the blue time series, and that's completely gone in the green time series. And the question you have to ask yourself is, what do we actually care about? Do we care about the fine grain patterns? Do we only care about the coarse-grained patterns? If we care about the fine grain patterns, do we have enough data to learn them? If you go to fine-grained, at some point, you’ll usually get noise. So we have to determine the right granularity to work on, in particular, if you want to make a forecast. --- class: center, middle # 1d Forecasting Basics ??? There's a couple of concepts that are very important for forecasting. Forecasting is traditionally a very statistics influenced field. --- class: spacious # Stationarity - Required for some classical statistics methods - Mean independent of time - Variance independent of time - Covariance of two observations k steps apart independent of time ??? FIXME formulas One of the main assumptions lot of the statistical models make is stationarity. Stationarity of a time series means that the mean is independent of time, the variance is independent of time and covariance between observations k steps apart is independent of time. So that means basically, there is no trend, there is no real evolution of the time series over time. The things that happened yesterday are sort of the same kind of things that will happen tomorrow. --- .center[] - Mean changes -> not stationary, there is a trend ??? Here, this time series is not stationary at all. There's a very clear change of the mean and a very clear trend stating global warming is getting worse and worse. This is something where a lot of classic statistical models would not really work with this well. There are some easy methods to de-trend time series. There are also statistical tests to see is the time series stationary or not. We're not going to go into any of the stationary tests, and there's many of them. But one thing you can always do, you can apply the model, see if it works or if it doesn't work, try to make the time series stationary or you can use some of the standard models to make the time series stationary. --- class: spacious # Autocorrelation $$ R(s,t) = \frac{\operatorname{E}[(X_t - \mu_t)(X_s - \mu_s)]}{\sigma_t\sigma_s} $$ ??? 12 MONTHS, NOT WEEKS Autocorrelation basically asks you what does each time step tell you about the next time step, how much correlation is there between one-time step and the future. For each step length, you can compute the autocorrelation between time s and t. Usually, you look at each data point or each time step, and then say, 10 times steps in the futures or 100 times steps in the futures and look at the correlation between them. -- .smaller[ ```python ppm = maunaloa.co2 ppm.autocorr() ``` ``` 0.9997 ``` ] -- .smaller[ ```python ppm.autocorr(lag=26) ``` ``` 0.9826 ``` ```python ppm.autocorr(lag=52) ``` ``` 0.9994 ``` ] ??? The autocorrect() function does the autocorrelation with the next time step with a lag of 1, and you can see that is pretty high. It's very close to one meaning each time step is a very, very good predictor of the next time step. Lag 12 is even more of a predictor. So this is after 12 weeks, after 12 month things are basically perfectly correlated, which is also interesting. --- class: compact # Autocorrelation function .smaller[ ```python from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf autocorrelation = acf(ppm) plt.plot(autocorrelation) ``` ] .center[] ??? Fixme axis labels You can look at all of these different autocorrelations at the same time by looking at the correlation function. Another library that has a lot of the time series analysis in Python is stats models. A lot of the more high level, more analysis-driven things in Pandas actually use stats models under the hood. Stats model has a couple of very helpful methods. ACF is the autocorrelation function and I pass it my time series and it computes the autocorrelation. So stats models actually work directly on data frames, while scikit-learn does not. And so now I can plot the autocorrelation function. Here, by default, it gave me all the lags from 0 to 14. You can see that the autocorrelation starts at very high and then decreases over time, but there's also more autocorrelation in 3 places, in multiples of 12. --- .smaller[ ```python from import autocorrelation_plot autocorrelation_plot(ppm) ``` ] .center[] ??? You can also do this directly in Pandas with a little bit more of a high-level interface. If you actually want to have access to the autocorrelation function, you can use it with stat models. If you just want to do the plot, you can look at the autocorrelation plot. Here, everything outside of this interval means there's a significant correlation. And again, you can see there's a very fine wavy pattern where there's more autocorrelation every 12 weeks. --- class: compact # De-trending - Model trend - Or differencing (compute new series).... `$\quad \hat{x_t} = x_{t} - x_{t - 1}$` .smaller[ ```python ppm.diff().plot() ```] .center[] ??? There are 2 main ways to do de-trend a model. Either you model the trend and subtract it or you difference the time series. So here, I just differenced the time series, which is basically computing the gradients. I do every time step minus the last time step, and it gives me a new time series, it looks like this. This now looks much more stationary. The variance, mean and the covariance doesn't seem to change too much. Doing this differencing the derivative is a very common preprocessing method. --- # Autocorrelation of differenced series .left-column[ .smallest[ ```python autocorrelation_plot(ppm.diff()[1:]) ``` ] .center[] ] .right-column[ .smallest[ ```python from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf autocorrelation = acf(ppm.diff()[1:]) plt.plot(autocorrelation) ``` ] .center[] ] ??? This drop in autocorrelation is related to the trend in the data. We can also de-trend the data. Diff is used to de-trend a time series. And if you do autocorrelation function with this, you can see there are very strong periodic patterns in here. But the overall pattern is positive and negative correlations with a very strong periodicity. On the right, we have it in more detail. You can see that things are very, very correlated after 12 weeks, and 24 and 36. This is part of the natural weather cycle. So the most basic analysis you can do is looking at stationarity and looking at autocorrelation function. Here, we discovered there's a lot of correlation and there's a periodic pattern. Another quite useful analysis step is trying to automatically extract these periodic patterns, they're very common in all kinds of time series. --- # Original vs differenced .padding-top[ .left-column[ Autocorrelation on original data .center[] ] .right-column[ Autocorrelation on differenced data .center[] ] ] --- class: compact # Seasonal model for CO2 .smaller[ ```python from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose decomposition = seasonal_decompose(ppm, model='additive') fig = decomposition.plot() ``` ] .center[] ??? Only for analysis, not prediction. There's a very simple one built into stats models, which is tsa.seasonal. And that tries to basically, this is not a predictive model, it's trying to decompose the data into a trend and a seasonal model. And it does this basically by smoothing. Here, the trend is basically a non-parametric fit to a smoothed version of the time series. The seasonal model is a periodic fit to residual of that, and then there's a residual of these two combined. So the observed data is basically a sum of all 3. You can see over the whole time frame, this is very much dominated by the trend, which goes from, 300 to 400. There's the seasonal variation that goes from 0.5 to -0.5. And then there's basically some noise left, but the noise is actually quite small compared to the rest. So you can actually understand the signal very well using this long term trend component that’s very smooth and this very periodic seasonal component. This is why people like the time series because it's very regular, so you can actually do something with it. So this was more like exploratory analysis, trying to figure out what does the time series look like. --- class: spacious # Autoregressive (linear) model - Order k AR model (can include trend and offset): `$$ x_{t+k} = c_0 x_t + c_1 x_{t + 1} + ... + c_{k - 1} x_t $$` - learn $c_i$ (i.e. using least squares) ??? The most commonly used methods for being forecasting is autoregressive models, in particular, autoregressive linear models. The assumption behind these models is that you can predict the next time step value as a linear function of previous time steps. The last x should be x_(t+(k-1)) So basically, you take the last k steps and you linearly weight them and then you learn linear regression model that basically has these constant coefficients, 0, 1 and so on. So the simplest way is just try to break each next time step from the last time step, which would mean just learn c_0, maybe also learn an offset bias or something like that. You can also obviously think about doing more complicated models. But these linear models are actually quite common and pretty simple to implement. --- # AR model with statsmodels .left-column[ .smaller[ ```python from statsmodels.tsa import ar_model ar = ar_model.AR(ppm[:500]) res = res.params ``` ``` const -2.018779 L1.interpolated 0.931758 L2.interpolated -0.240629 L3.interpolated -0.099048 L4.interpolated -0.076488 L5.interpolated 0.164472 L6.interpolated -0.000531 L7.interpolated -0.023481 L8.interpolated -0.125134 L9.interpolated 0.100288 L10.interpolated -0.021266 L11.interpolated 0.414740 L12.interpolated -0.017268 dtype: float64 ``` ] ] .right-column[ .smaller[ ```python ppm[300:].plot(label="true") res.predict(ppm.index[500], ppm.index[-1]).plot(label="predict") ``` ] .center[] ] ??? Here, I'm using the AR model, I fitted it on the time series. Max lag is how many coefficients I want to learn, or how many time steps I want to look back. We saw that there's a very strong periodicity in a 12 week periods. So it makes sense to at least cover 1 period of this periodicity. Anything shorter will not be able to capture this pattern. And so here are parameters that the model learned, so these are just linear coefficients. Only that sort of linear coefficients is applied to the time series itself. So there are the constant and 12 values. Stats models have a bunch of models, but the API is sort of quite different from scikit-learn and not as homogeneous. So here, the model gets the time series it's fitting at instantiation and during fit, it just gets some parameters. So basically, that's the other way around than it would be with scikit-learn. If we want to make a prediction, we take a value to start from or a history and then do a forecast until a certain time step. What this does is to predict the first time step for the forecast, it looks at the last 12 time steps, uses these coefficients and makes a prediction. Then it uses this prediction and the last 11 times steps together to make the next prediction, and so on. So after 12 time steps, it only uses previous predictions to make the next prediction. This way, you can forecast more and more for the future. As you might expect, the more you forecast the future, the sort of more uncertain you get, because you always based your prediction on previous predictions. Here, it actually covered the periodicity pretty well. So after a while, the periodicity becomes a little bit too small and we overpredict a little bit, but generally, you could say this sort of looks somewhat reasonable. That said, the order of the model is quite important. --- # Impact of order .left-column[ .smaller[ ```python ar6 = ar_model.AR(ppm[:500]) res = ar_pred = res.predict(ppm.index[500], ppm.index[-1]) ``` ] .center[] ] .right-column[ .smaller[ ```python ar25 = ar_model.AR(ppm[:500]) res = ar_pred = res.predict(ppm.index[500], ppm.index[-1]) ``` ] .center[] ] ??? So here, if I take a maxlag=6, that means I don't actually cover the whole periodicity. If I give it a larger lag, the model becomes more powerful because it has more coefficients. But it also can stabilize the prediction more. When I start here, it can use more history to make the first prediction so it always has a bigger window. With maxlag=25, which is basically 2 periods, it can do like a near perfect prediction. AR model is not really supposed to work with non-stationary things, but it still does. If you use too large of a max lag, you would overfit. This is not overfitting here because I didn't use this in fitting the model. If I used way too max lag, it would probably overfit but then the predictions wouldn't be good. I didn't do a prediction on the training dataset but I could always make a prediction perfectly on the training dataset by using more and more lag, but then it would possibly not generalize. Here, since I'm using a separate test set to evaluate, I know it's not overfitting. There's actually a whole family of different models that are related to this. --- # Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) .smaller[ ```python from statsmodels import tsa arima_model = tsa.arima_model.ARIMA (ppm[:500], order=(12, 1, 0)) res = arima_pred = res.predict(ppm.index[500], ppm.index[-1], typ="levels") ``` ] .center[] ??? - More complicated process model - Internally uses differencing - Also checkout SARIMAX (state space model) - Note: typ = "levels" !! ARIMA is autoregressive integrated moving averages, it's a more powerful model that tries to build a more complex statistical model. I tried to tune this whole bunch but I couldn't really get it to work on this dataset. But I think it might be that the optimization in stats models is possibly not ideal, that said, I’m no expert on this. ARIMA works on difference time series, it then tries to model the data using moving averages and an autoregressive model. The order is a combination of the time steps, how often you want to do differencing and how you want to model the moving averages. This is a very commonly used model. Here, in this example, I’ve provided the data and also the order of instantiation and provide nothing to fit. --- # 1d with sklearn .smaller[ ```python ppm.shape ``` ``` (709,) ``` ```python train = ppm[:500] test = ppm[500:] X = ppm.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.toordinal()) X = pd.DataFrame(X) X_train, X_test = X.iloc[:500, :], X.iloc[500:, :] X_train.shape ``` ``` (500,1) ``` ```python from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression lr = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, train) lr_pred = lr.predict(X_test) plt.plot(ppm.index, lr.predict(X)) ppm.plot() ``` ] ??? Can we actually solve this problem with scikit-learn? The simplest thing I could do is actually just try to fit the linear model on the time. So what I'm doing here is looking at the index and make it a series and I make it in ordinals. So now I have all the time steps as integers and I split them into training and test set. And then I just build a linear model on this. So this basically just fits a line to the whole dataset. --- # Linear model for trend .center[] ??? And looks like this. This helps me a little bit to understand the trend. So there’s a somewhat linear trend. --- # Quadratic Model .smaller[ ```python from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures lr_poly = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(include_bias=False), LinearRegression()), train) plt.plot(ppm.index, lr_poly.predict(X)) ppm.plot() ``` ] .center[] ??? I then used polynomial features. And you can see that it's actually very well modeled by a quadratic (Polynomial features by default, use first and second degrees) If I want to model the trend, I can now try to globally model the trend with the quadratic. This is very different from what I did before, where either I tried to get rid of the trend, or basically, the ARIMA model that worked pretty well which didn’t have a global model at all, it had a very local model, just dependent on the last couple of times steps. Meanwhile here, we're trying to do something much more global. --- # Detrending with trend model .smaller[ ```python y_res = ppm - lr_poly.predict(X) y_res.plot() ```] .center[] ??? So we could use this for example for de-trending. Here, this is training the model on a training set and then de-trending on the whole dataset. And it looks like this. So has much more structure than the difference time series and maybe this will be easier to fit with the autoregressive model. --- class: compact # AR model on residuals .left-column[ .smaller[ ```python from statsmodels.tsa import ar_model ar_model_res = ar_model.AR(y_res[:500]) res_res = ar_pred_res = res_res.predict( ppm.index[500], ppm.index[-1]) pred_ar_res = ar_pred_res + r_poly.predict(X_test) res_res.params ``` ``` const -0.008039 L1.interpolated 0.922508 L2.interpolated -0.243015 L3.interpolated -0.101173 L4.interpolated -0.077538 L5.interpolated 0.158073 L6.interpolated -0.006164 L7.interpolated -0.023890 L8.interpolated -0.126381 L9.interpolated 0.092664 L10.interpolated -0.025640 L11.interpolated 0.414180 L12.interpolated -0.018078 dtype: float64 ``` ] ] .right-column[ .center[] ] ??? FIXME - Note: Couldn't decrease size further Here, I guess I'm comparing the maxlag 12 with maxlag 24. Here the green is the true, the AR predict is the max lag 24 and ar-res is using the polynomial plus the autoregressive model. Here, it's a little bit worse trying to de-trend with a polynomial model, but that's probably just because I gave the autoregressive model less lag. So this was trying to model the trend globally and trying to model it locally with the autoregressive model. We could’ve also tried to capture the model with a linear regression model. --- # Just Linear Regression .smaller[ ```python X_month = pd.concat([X, pd.DataFrame({'month': X.index.month},index=X.index)], axis=1) X_month.head() ``` ] .center[] .smaller[ ```python X_train_month = X_month[:500] X_test_month = X_month[500:] lr_poly_month = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(include_bias=False), LinearRegression()), train) X_test_month.shape # (209,2) ``` ] ??? Here, I'm adding to the dataset, not only the year_month, but also the month. So now I have two features. And I tried to build a linear model on this. This allows me to model periodicity because there's a very strong yearly periodicity. --- .center[] ??? The periodicity is 12 months, not 12 weeks, as I said earlier. So here, I have these two features, month of the year and the global linear model. It doesn't really make a lot of sense, though, because now I do it as a linear function of the month because they represent the month as an integer so you get this weird step in here. What we really want is we want to learn for each month, what the level of co2 should be. --- .smaller[ ```python from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder lr_poly_month_ohe = make_pipeline(OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=[1], sparse=False), PolynomialFeatures(include_bias=False), LinearRegression()), train) ``` .center[] ```python from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error mean_squared_error(ppm[500:], lr_poly_month_ohe.predict(X_test_month)) #0.505 mean_squared_error(ppm[500:], pred_arma_res) #0.577 ``` ] ??? So I can one hot encode the month, and then I get this model. This model is a very simple seasonal model that learns for each month an offset and the quadratic model. I find this slightly easier to understand than the AR model even though it’s worse than the AR model. In this model, we have a one hot encoding of the month, we have a global quadratic model. And so we have something like a 13-dimensional feature space plus the quadratic features. The r-square of this model is 0.505 while the r-square of the ARIMA model is 0.577. I find this a little bit easier to understand because the ARIMA models basically model relationships between past values and future values whereas the linear model models the values directly. So you won't get as much of this drift over time. You could now try and engineer more and more features that would be one way to attack this. Another way would be to use a different model other than a linear model. --- class: spacious # General Autoregressors - - Trees work well (as always) - Can take explanatory variables ??? Maybe, there’s going to be general autoregressive features in scikit-learn which are very easy to implement yourself, you can just use like trees or random forest and create a dataset where the training data is always the last window of k data points and the target is the next data point. It’s very easy, given any machine learning algorithm to build an autoregressive model based on this algorithm. And trees always works well and it will also work for this. The autoregressive models work best if there's no trend, but if there's autocorrelation. Basically, you will look at this function (slide 27) or this function (2nd in slide 28) if you want to differencing, and you want to see is there stuff outside of this band. If there is, then there's autocorrelation, which means you can use the past values to predict the future. If you looked at, say, stock prices, there wouldn’t be any pattern and so you couldn't actually use the past to predict the future. --- class: spacious # Seasonal Forecasting with FBProphet - A piecewise linear or logistic growth curve trend. Prophet automatically detects changes in trends by selecting changepoints from the data. - A yearly seasonal component modeled using Fourier series. - A weekly seasonal component using dummy variables. - A user-provided list of important holidays. ??? FIXME formulas I think it’s very useful to go through these and try to build a seasonal model yourself to understand what's happening. But there's actually a very good package for seasonal modeling provided by Facebook called FB Prophet. This is an additive model that fits a yearly seasonal and a weekly seasonal, and then possibly holidays. So this is really meant for commercial applications where there's often a weekly seasonal component, if you look at any kinds of sales data, or any kinds of user data, weekdays and weekends are very different. Everything is like very much dominated by these weekly patterns. And this is what this is geared towards. So FB prophet only does 1D forecasting and I don't think they have any explanatory variables so you just do like a 1D time series forecast, but does it pretty well. Under the hood this uses Stan. Stan is the framework for probabilistic modeling. It's actually developed at Columbia. And it’s very powerful. If you want to install FB prophet, you’ll have to separately install Stan. This doesn’t only fit a very simple linear model or something like this for the growth curve, but it actually fits probabilistic models on all of these so it keeps uncertainties about all its estimates. And so this gives you a pretty good model. In contrast to the model that we saw from stats models, which was basically just smoothing and then showing you decomposition, this is a forecasting model. So you can actually use the seasonal model to make forecasts. --- ```python from fbprophet import Prophet m = Prophet()[:500]) forecast = m.predict(fb_ppm) ``` .center[  ] ??? Here, I’m using the seasonal model on the co2 dataset. It doesn't work that well here because it only uses a linear trend, it could also use a logistic trend that we saw before that actually the quadratic trend would be much better. But it detected here right away and told me there is no daily and weekly trends. It found out that there are only yearly trends in this data. --- # Uncertainty prediction .center[  ] ??? The other thing that you get from this being a probabilistic model is it very well quantifies uncertainties. So here you have a mean prediction and a standard deviation prediction, which allows you to tell you how certain can you be of your prediction. So here, you can see that the model is very certain, very certain, very certain, and then keeps getting more and more uncertain as time goes on. And that's something that's often very useful if you want to base any business decisions on this. --- # Seasonal Components .center[  ] ??? detected that there are no daily or weekly trends! Finally, you get a season decomposition. I guess there's not more because the only seasonal component is the yearly one. And so you can see that here, this is sort of a trended fit, and it uses piecewise linear model so it finally changed in the trend here. And then it does the linear model again, and this is sort of the monthly model that it fitted. If you have more seasonal trends it will also give you weekly and daily patterns. --- class: spacious # Where to go from here - Gaussian Processes - Recurrent Neural Nets / LSTMs ??? Basically, the tools you want are autoregressive models, seasonal models, Gaussian processes, which we didn't talk about in this class, recurrent neural nets and LSTMs. We talked about RNNs last time, but you can obviously use these to do time series prediction. And so these are sort of the more advanced tools that a lot of people use for time series. If you actually come across these problems, these are the kind of tools you want to look into. --- class: middle # Questions ?