class: center, middle ### W4995 Applied Machine Learning # Keras & Convolutional Neural Nets 04/22/20 Andreas C. Müller ??? Say something about GPUs. FIXME double descent / no overfitting / interpolating classifiers slides FIXME rerun to see if everything still works FIXME retrain mnist on bigger network, make sure later slides reflect network we trained before FIXME needs much better explanation for padding strategies FIXME explain or define "feature map" -> needs image etc!! huge problem! FIXME explain several filters being connected to same output map FIXME mention that CNNs have few weights, lots of activations FIXME add explanation of convolution as matrix multiplication, relation to weight sharing FIXME update with state-of-the-art instead of VGG16 FIXME 1d filter slide not clear. do animation again or something similar? FIXME slide full vs valid vs same convolutions (yes actually) FIXME update syntax conv2d! FIXME doc screenshots resolution FIXME add slide on imagenet? FIXME add something about data augmentation FIXME show how permuting pixels doesn't affect fully connected network, but does affect convolutional network FIXME data augmentation before dropout!! FIXME How do I think about batchsize? optimization trade-off, limited ram, ... FIXME Keras fit doesn't reset! FIXME show how receptive field size increases with depth FIXME why is there a fully connected layer at the end? FIXME this lecture should really be only convolutions! put keras in previous, get rid of graph stuff? FIXME better explanation for change of size in valid convolution, put formula on slide FIXME explain number of parameters in convolutional layers FIXME call to summary shows too many params? weird? FIXME explain weight sharing by writing convolution as matrix multiplication --- class:center,middle #Introduction to Keras ??? --- #Keras Sequential .smaller[ ```python from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Activation ``` ``` Using TensorFlow backend. ``` ```python model = Sequential([ Dense(32, input_shape=(784,)), Activation('relu'), Dense(10), Activation('softmax')]) # or model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(32, input_dim=784)) model.add(Activation('relu')) # or model = Sequential([ Dense(32, input_shape=(784,), activation='relu'), Dense(10, activation='softmax')]) ``` ] ??? There are two interfaces to keras, sequential and the functional, but we’ll only discuss sequential. Sequential is for feed-forward neural networks where one layer follows the other. You specify the layers as a list, similar to a sklearn pipeline. Dense layers are just matrix multiplications. Here we have a neural net with 32 hidden units for the mnist dataset with 10 outputs. The hidden layer nonlinearity is relu, the output if softmax for multi-class classification. You can also instantiate an empty sequential model and then add steps to it. For the first layer we need to specify the input shape so the model knows the sizes of all the matrices. The following layers can infer the sizes from the previous layers. --- .smaller[ ```python model.summary() ``` ] .center[ ![:scale 100%](images/model_summary.png) ] ??? FIXME parameter calculation! model.summary() gives you information about all the layers you have. Checking the summary allows you to see if you’ve assembled the model in the way that you wanted to. So once you assemble this keras model, you need to compile it. --- # Setting Optimizer .center[ ![:scale 90%](images/optimizer.png) ] .smaller[ ```python model.compile("adam", "categorical_crossentropy", metrics=['accuracy']) ``` ] ??? Compile method picks optimization procedure and loss Which basically just means setting some option for the optimizer, this will then give you the compute graph models. Each of parameters can be either a string or you can provide a callable or like an object that implements the right interface. The metrics here are just for monitoring. --- # Training the model .center[ ![:scale 100%](images/training_model.png) ] ??? Fit gets many parameters, not as in sklearn. --- #Preparing MNIST data .smaller[ ```python from keras.datasets import mnist import keras (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() X_train = X_train.reshape(60000, 784) X_test = X_test.reshape(10000, 784) X_train = X_train.astype('float32') X_test = X_test.astype('float32') X_train /= 255 X_test /= 255 print(X_train.shape[0], 'train samples') print(X_test.shape[0], 'test samples') num_classes = 10 # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) ``` ``` 60000 train samples 10000 test samples ``` ] ??? Running it on MNIST. To use the labels with keras, you need to convert them to one hot encoding. The output layer is 10-dimensional and each of the dimension corresponds to one of the possible outputs. Since the number of classes is 10, this will give 60,000x10 labels for the training set and 10,000x10 labels for the test set. --- # Fit Model ```python, y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=10, verbose=1) ``` .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/model_fit.png) ] ??? Once I set up, I can call fit. Each epoch tells you the loss and the accuracy. Loss is the thing that’s actually optimizing. Here, I didn’t specify a validation set so the accuracy is the training set accuracy. So if I gave it a bigger model, and let it run long enough then the accuracy become 1. This model is probably too small to overfit everything. Question is, why I scaled between 0 and 1 instead of mean 0 and standard deviation 1? There are 3 reasons for that. First, that’s what people do. Secondly, the minimum and maximum value mean something, they mean, black and white and so having them as 0 and 1, is kind of meaningful. Thirdly, the different pixels have the same scale. Each of them should be between 0 and 255. But actually, in the dataset, they have different variances, some pixels on the outside are constant white and so if I want to scale them to standard deviation one, I would get division by zero. I could maybe fix that, but there's some that are like slightly gray sometimes and so this would be scaled up enormously, even though that doesn’t really mean a lot. So I kind of used my prior knowledge saying, all these pixels should have the same scale and so I scaled them all in the same way. --- #Fit with Validation ```python, y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=10, verbose=1, validation_split=.1) ``` .center[ ![:scale 100%](images/validation_fit.png) ] ??? This is with the validation set. This is very similar to scikit-learn, only you have more options than fit. --- #Evaluating on Test Set ```python score = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0) print("Test loss: {:.3f}".format(score[0])) print("Test Accuracy: {:.3f}".format(score[1])) ``` ``` Test loss: 0.120 Test Accuracy: 0.966 ``` ??? --- # Loggers and Callbacks .smaller[ ```python history_callback =, y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=100, verbose=1, validation_split=.1) pd.DataFrame(history_callback.history).plot() ``` ] .center[ ![:scale 70%](images/logger_callback_plot.png) ] ??? We can actually look a little bit deeper into what's happening using callbacks. Keras has very powerful callbacks to do things like early stopping. By default, it just records the history of what happens. These callbacks are returned from the History callback has an attribute called history which has all the data of what happened during training. Accuracy on a training set goes up all the time while the loss on the training set goes down all the time. Accuracy in the validation set stops and stays stable after a certain point. The loss on the validation set actually gets worse. So the loss overfits while accuracy doesn't overfit. This gives you a lot of information to debug and check if overfitting happening, how long does it take to train, should you train longer? This interface is pretty simple and pretty similar to scikit-learn but it’s not entirely compatible but sometimes you want to use these Keras models with scikit-learn tools like grid search CV or cross-validation or pipeline. --- #Wrappers for sklearn .smaller[ ```python from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier, KerasRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV def make_model(optimizer="adam", hidden_size=32): model = Sequential([ Dense(hidden_size, input_shape=(784,)), Activation('relu'), Dense(10), Activation('softmax'), ]) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer,loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=['accuracy']) return model clf = KerasClassifier(make_model) param_grid = {'epochs': [1, 5, 10], # epochs is fit parameter, not in make_model! 'hidden_size': [32, 64, 256]} grid = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=param_grid), y_train) ``` ] ??? See Useful for grid-search. You need to define a callable that returns a compiled model. You can search parameters that in Keras would be passed to “fit” like the number of epochs. Searching over epochs in this way is not necessarily a good idea, though. Keras also has wrappers to scikit-learn. These objects behave exactly like scikit-learning objects. To use these, you need to define a function that would return the model. I can then give the make model function to the Keras classifier. The CLF behaves like a scikit-learn estimator. And this enables me to grid search things. I can grid search the parameters of this make model function. So I can grid search, for example, the hidden size. But I could have arbitrary Python code in his make model function. So it could also grid search, what the activations are or how many layers there are or something like that. And you can also grid search the things that are actually part of the fit function in keras. So if you remember the number of epochs was part of fit in keras. But for the keras classifier, it's obviously part of the constructor because it's a scikit-learn API. So you could search both over the fit parameters and over the parameters of the make model function. In practice, maybe grid searching number of epochs is not the smartest thing to do. Maybe looking at the validation set is better. But these are things you could do. And now I can use grid search CV with the keras classifier object, parameter grid, and cross-validation. And everything is, as you would expect. For later homework, doing cross-validation might be too slow for any of the bigger nets. So you could still do this if you set CV to something like stratified shuffle split and do a single split of the data. Stratified shuffled split and iterate equal to one is basically the same as using a single validation holdout set and you can use this for grid search if you want. --- .smaller[ ```python res = pd.DataFrame(grid.cv_results_) res.pivot_table(index=["param_epochs", "param_hidden_size"], values=['mean_train_score', "mean_test_score"]) ``` ] .center[ ![:scale 70%](images/keras_api_results.png) ] ??? Training longer overfits more and more units overfit more, but both also lead to better results. We should probably train much longer actually. Setting the number of epochs via cross-validation is a bit silly since it means starting from scratch again each time. Using early stopping would be better. --- class:center,middle #Convolutional neural networks ??? --- class:spacious # Idea - Translation invariance - Weight sharing ??? FIXME figure with illustration There are 2 main ideas. One is if you move your focus of an image, the semantics of the image are the same. So if I look a little bit further right a pixel or so then this shouldn't really change my interpretation of the image. It also implies if I detect something on the right side, it's sort of the same as detecting something in the left side, for many natural image tasks. So if I want to say is there’s a person in the image, it doesn't matter if the person is in the left, right, top or bottom, detecting a person will always be the same thing. Weight sharing is that basically, you can detect something no matter where it is in an image. --- #Definition of Convolution `$$ (f*g)[n] = \sum\limits_{m=-\infty}^\infty f[m]g[n-m] $$` `$$ = \sum\limits_{m=-\infty}^\infty f[n-m]g[m] $$` .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/convolution.png) ] ??? The definition is symmetric in f, but usually one is the input signal, say f, and g is a fixed “filter” that is applied to it. You can imagine the convolution as g sliding over f. If the support of g is smaller than the support of f (it’s a shorter non-zero sequence) then you can think of it as each entry in f * g depending on all entries of g multiplied with a local window in f. Not that the output is shorter than the input by half the size of g. this is called a valid convolution. We could also extend f with zeros, and get a result that is larger than f by half the size of g, that’s called a full convolution. We can also just pad a little bit and get something that is of the same size as f. Also not that the filter g is flipped as it’s indexed with -m It’s easier to think about this in a signal processing context, where we have some signal, and you have a filter that you want to apply to the signal. --- #1d example: Gaussian smoothing .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/Gaussian_Smoothing.png) ] ??? This is how it looks in a 1D dataset. I can try to smooth this signal out by, for example, using a Gaussian filter. So here, the top left would be F and the top right would be G. Computing the convolution between F and G basically means each point in the new series is a Gaussian weighted average of the surrounding points. The result I get is displayed in the bottom. So smoothing is one of the simplest things we can do with convolutions. --- # Convolutions in 2d .center[ ![:scale 70%](images/2dconv_illustration.png) ] [source: Arden Dertat]( --- .center[ ![:scale 90%](images/2dconv_animation.gif) ] [source: Arden Dertat]( --- #2d Smoothing .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/2dsmoothing.png) ] ??? This can also be done in 2D. --- #2d Gradients .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/2dgradient.png) ] ??? Gradients can be computed with convolutions. One way to compute a smooth gradient on the image is using this filter. After applying the filter I get vertical edges on a particular scale. Whereas the areas which are of the same color are smooth. You can also compute Laplacian, and you can detect simple parent images. So what a convolution neural network does is, most layers apply convolutions of this form and what we want to learn are these entries in these filters. In convolutional neural network, the weights that I'm going to learn are not weights to multiply, but it's these filters that apply all the image. And so by this, you get the two things that we want which are translation invariance and being invariant to location. Since the same filters are applied everywhere, detecting an edge at the top, it's the same as detecting an edge at the bottom. And because of the way that this is computed, if I shift the image by one pixel, the output shifts by one pixel, but the correspondence between input and output will stay the same. --- #Max Pooling .center[ ![:scale 100%](images/maxpool.png) ] ??? - Need to remember position of maximum for back-propagation. - Again not differentiable → subgradient descent One of the many things that changed since the research paper MNest is that, instead of averaging, we're now doing max pooling usually. Looking at the 4x4 pixels, instead of subsampling, subsampling basically means just average them, what people are doing now is just taking the maximum. So this is again, used to reduce the size of the input. For example, if we do 2x2 non-overlapping max pooling, we go from 4x4 to 2x2. And people also sometimes do like bigger max pooling, overlapping max pooling, and there are many different variants of what you can do. But people now usually use max pooling for decreasing the resolution. If you do this, this is not differentiable, again, similar to the relu. Again, you need to do separating descend but in reality, you don't really need to worry about it. If you want to do gradient descent, you need to store where the maximum came from, though. If you just store the output, you can’t backpropagate through it, you need to know that the 20 came from here. Q: Can we take the minimum instead of the maximum? Probably no if you're using rectified linear units because the minimum will usually be zero, it caps at zero. If you use tan-H, it should be all symmetric and probably doesn't matter. --- #Convolution Neural Networks .center[ ![:scale 100%](images/CNET1.png) ] - Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner: Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition ??? Here is the architecture of an early convolutional net form 1998. The basic architecture in current networks is still the same. You can multiple layers of convolutions and resampling operations. You start convolving the image, which extracts local features. Each convolutions creates new “feature maps” that serve as input to later convolutions. To allow more global operations, after the convolutions the image resolution is changed. Back then it was subsampling, today it is max-pooling. So you end up with more and more feature maps with lower and lower resolution. At the end, you have some fully connected layers to do the classificattion. --- .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/other_architectures.png) ] ??? Here are two more recent architectures, AlexNet from 2012 and VGG net from 2015. These nets are typically very deep, but often have very small convolutions. In VGG there are 3x3 convolutions and even 1x1 convolutions which serve to summarize multiple feature maps into one. There is often multiple convolutions without pooling in between but pooling is definitely essential. --- class:center,middle #Conv-nets with keras ??? --- #Preparing Data .smaller[ ```python batch_size = 128 num_classes = 10 epochs = 12 # input image dimensions img_rows, img_cols = 28, 28 # the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() X_train_images = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1) X_test_images = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1) input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, 1) y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) ``` ] ??? For convolutional nets the data is n_samples, width, height, channels. MNIST has one channel because it’s grayscale. Often you have RGB channels or possibly Lab. The position of the channels is configurable, using the “channels_first” and “channels_last” options – but you shouldn’t have to worry about that. --- # Create Tiny Network ```python from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten num_classes = 10 cnn = Sequential() cnn.add(Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape)) cnn.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) cnn.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu')) cnn.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) cnn.add(Flatten()) cnn.add(Dense(64, activation='relu')) cnn.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')) ``` ??? For convolutional nets we need 3 new layer types: Conv2d for 2d convolutions, MaxPooling2d for max pooling and Flatten go reshape the input for a dense layer. There are many other options but these are the most commonly used ones. --- #Number of Parameters .left-column[ Convolutional Network for MNIST ![:scale 100%](images/cnn_params_mnist.png) ] .right-column[ Dense Network for MNIST ![:scale 100%](images/dense_params_mnist.png) ] ??? Convolutional networks have many more activations but they have fewer weights to learn because they’re shared everywhere. --- #Train and Evaluate .smaller[ ```python cnn.compile("adam", "categorical_crossentropy", metrics=['accuracy']) history_cnn =, y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=20, verbose=1, validation_split=.1) cnn.evaluate(X_test_images, y_test) ``` ``` 9952/10000 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s [0.089020583277629253, 0.98429999999999995] ``` ] .center[ ![:scale 50%](images/train_evaluate.png) ] ??? You get some overfitting but generally, the results are pretty decent. --- #Visualize Filters .smaller[ ```python weights, biases = cnn_small.layers[0].get_weights() weights2, biases2 = cnn_small.layers[2].get_weights() print(weights.shape) print(weights2.shape) ``` ``` (3,3,1,8) (3,3,8,8) ``` ] .center[![:scale 40%](images/visualize_filters.png)] ??? These are the filters in the first layer, I learned 8 3x3 filters. This makes to 8 maps, meaning 64 filters. Each row corresponds to one output map. --- .center[![:scale 80%](images/digits.png)] ??? --- class: middle # Convnets vs Fully Connected Nets Illustrated --- # MNIST and Permuted MNIST ![:scale 90%](images/mnist_org.png) .smallest[ ```python rng = np.random.RandomState(42) perm = rng.permutation(784) X_train_perm = X_train.reshape(-1, 784)[:, perm].reshape(-1, 28, 28) X_test_perm = X_test.reshape(-1, 784)[:, perm].reshape(-1, 28, 28) ``` ] ![:scale 90%](images/mnist_permuted.png) --- class: middle # Questions ?