Source code for dabl.preprocessing

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer, ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
from warnings import warn

_FLOAT_REGEX = r"^[-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?))$"

def _float_matching(col, return_safe_col=False):
    is_floaty = col.str.match(_FLOAT_REGEX)
    # things that weren't strings
    not_strings = is_floaty.isna()
    if not_strings.any():
        rest = col[not_strings]
        all_castable = False
            # if we can convert them all to float we're done
            is_floaty[not_strings] = True
            all_castable = True
        except ValueError:
        if not all_castable:
            warn("Mixed types in column {}".format(
            # make everything string
            rest = rest.astype(str)
            rest_is_floaty = _float_matching(rest)
            is_floaty[not_strings] = rest_is_floaty
            if return_safe_col:
                col = col.copy()
                col[not_strings] = rest

    if not is_floaty.dtype == bool:
        is_floaty = is_floaty.astype(bool)

    if return_safe_col:
        return is_floaty, col
        return is_floaty

class DirtyFloatCleaner(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    # should this error if the inputs are not string?
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        # FIXME clean float columns will make this fail
        if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
            raise TypeError("X is not a dataframe. Convert or call `clean`.")
        encoders = {}
        for col in X.columns:
            floats, X_col = _float_matching(X[col], return_safe_col=True)
            # FIXME sparse
            if (~floats).any():
                encoders[col] = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False,
                encoders[col] = None
        self.encoders_ = encoders
        self.columns_ = X.columns
        return self

    def transform(self, X):
        if (self.columns_ == X.columns).all() is False:
            raise ValueError("Given the same columns")
        result = []
        for col in self.columns_:
            floats, X_col = _float_matching(X[col], return_safe_col=True)
            nofloats = ~floats
            new_col = X_col.copy()
            new_col[nofloats] = np.NaN
            new_col = new_col.astype(np.float)
            enc = self.encoders_[col]
            if enc is None:
                if nofloats.any():
                        "Found non-floats {} in float column. It's "
                        " to call 'clean' on the whole dataset before "
                        "splitting into training and test set.".format(
                            X.loc[nofloats, col].unique()))
                new_col = new_col.rename("{}_dabl_continuous".format(col))
            cats = pd.DataFrame(0, index=X.index,
            if nofloats.any():
                cats.loc[nofloats, :] = enc.transform(pd.DataFrame(
            cats["{}_dabl_continuous".format(col)] = new_col
        return pd.concat(result, axis=1)

    def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None):
        feature_names = []
        for col in self.columns_:
            enc = self.encoders_[col]
        return feature_names

def guess_ordinal(values):
    # compare against
    # there's some ways to guess month, day, week, year
    # but even if we have that, is that ordinal or categorical?
    # worst hack in the history of probability distributions, maybe ever
    # we compute second derivatives on the histogram. If they look smoother
    # than the shuffled histograms, we assume order is meaningful
    # why second derivatives? Why absolute norms? Why 1.5? good questions!
    if values.min() < 0:
        # we assume that negative numbers imply an ordering, not categories
        # probably needs testing
        return True
    counts = np.bincount(values)

    def norm(x):
        return np.abs(np.diff(np.diff(x))).sum()
    grad_norm = norm(counts)
    # shuffle 100 times
    grad_norm_shuffled = np.mean([
        norm(counts[np.random.permutation(len(counts))]) for i in range(100)])
    return grad_norm * 1.5 < grad_norm_shuffled

def _find_string_floats(X, dirty_float_threshold):
    is_float = X.apply(_float_matching)
    clean_float_string = is_float.all()
    # remove 5 most common string values before checking if the rest is float
    # FIXME 5 hardcoded!!
    dirty_float = pd.Series(0, index=X.columns, dtype=bool)
    for col in X.columns:
        if clean_float_string[col]:
            # already know it's clean
        column = X[col]
        common_values = column.value_counts()[:5].index
        is_common = column.isin(common_values) | column.isna()
        if is_float.loc[~is_common, col].mean() > dirty_float_threshold:
            dirty_float[col] = 1

    return clean_float_string, dirty_float

def _float_col_is_int(series):
    # test on a small subset for speed
    # yes, a recursive call would be one line shorter.
    if series[:10].isna().any():
        return False
    if (series[:10] != series[:10].astype(int)).any():
        return False
    if series.isna().any():
        return False
    if (series != series.astype(int)).any():
        return False
    return True

[docs]def detect_types(X, type_hints=None, max_int_cardinality='auto', dirty_float_threshold=.9, near_constant_threshold=0.95, target_col=None, verbose=0): """Detect types of dataframe columns. Columns are labeled as one of the following types: 'continuous', 'categorical', 'low_card_int', 'dirty_float', 'free_string', 'date', 'useless' Pandas categorical variables, strings and integers of low cardinality and float values with two columns are labeled as categorical. Integers of high cardinality are labeled as continuous. Integers of intermediate cardinality are labeled as "low_card_int". Float variables that sometimes take string values are labeled "dirty_float" String variables with many unique values are labeled "free_text" (and currently not processed by dabl). Date types are labeled as "date" (and currently not processed by dabl). Anything that is constant, nearly constant, detected as an integer index, or doesn't match any of the above categories is labeled "useless". Parameters ---------- X : dataframe input max_int_cardinality: int or 'auto', default='auto' Maximum number of distinct integers for an integer column to be considered categorical. 'auto' is ``max(42, n_samples/10)``. Integers are also always considered as continuous variables. FIXME not true any more? dirty_float_threshold : float, default=.9 The fraction of floats required in a dirty continuous column before it's considered "useless" or categorical (after removing top 5 string values) target_col : string, int or None Specifies the target column in the data, if any. Target columns are never dropped. verbose : int How verbose to be Returns ------- res : dataframe, shape (n_columns, 7) Boolean dataframe of detected types. Rows are columns in input X, columns are possible types (see above). """ # FIXME integer indices are not dropped! # TODO detect encoding missing values as strings /weird values # TODO detect top coding # FIXME dirty int is detected as dirty float right now # TODO discard all constant and binary columns at the beginning? # TODO subsample large datsets? one level up? if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("X is not a dataframe. Convert or call `clean`.") if not X.index.is_unique: raise ValueError("Non-unique index found. Reset index or call clean.") duplicated = X.columns.duplicated() if duplicated.any(): raise ValueError("Duplicate Columns: {}".format( X.columns[duplicated])) if type_hints is None: type_hints = dict() # apply type hints drops useless columns, # but in the end we want to check against original columns X_org = X X = _apply_type_hints(X, type_hints=type_hints) n_samples, n_features = X.shape if max_int_cardinality == "auto": max_int_cardinality = max(42, n_samples / 100) # FIXME only apply nunique to non-continuous? n_values = X.apply(lambda x: x.nunique()) if verbose > 3: print(n_values) binary = n_values == 2 # force binary variables to be continuous # if type hints say so for k, v in type_hints.items(): if v == 'continuous': binary[k] = False dtypes = X.dtypes kinds = dtypes.apply(lambda x: x.kind) # FIXME use pd.api.type.is_string_dtype etc maybe floats = kinds == "f" integers = (kinds == "i") | (kinds == "u") # check if float column is actually all integers # we'll treat them as int for now. for col, isfloat in floats.items(): if isfloat and (col not in type_hints or type_hints[col] != "continuous"): if _float_col_is_int(X[col]): # it's int! integers[col] = True floats[col] = False useless = pd.Series(0, index=X.columns, dtype=bool) # check if we have something that trivially is an index suspicious_index = (n_values == X.shape[0]) & integers if suspicious_index.any(): warn_for = [] for c in suspicious_index.index[suspicious_index]: if X[c].iloc[0] == 0: if (X[c] == np.arange(X.shape[0])).all(): # definitely an index useless[c] = True else: warn_for.append(c) elif X[c].iloc[0] == 1: if (X[c] == np.arange(1, X.shape[0] + 1)).all(): # definitely an index useless[c] = True else: warn_for.append(c) if warn_for: warn("Suspiciously looks like an index: {}, but unsure," " so keeping it for now".format(warn_for), UserWarning) categorical = dtypes == 'category' objects = (kinds == "O") & ~categorical # FIXME string? dates = kinds == "M" other = - (floats | integers | objects | dates | categorical) # check if we can cast strings to float # we don't need to cast all, could so something smarter? if objects.any(): clean_float_string, dirty_float = _find_string_floats( X.loc[:, objects], dirty_float_threshold) else: dirty_float = clean_float_string = pd.Series(0, index=X.columns, dtype=bool) # using integers or string as categories only if low cardinality few_entries = n_values < max_int_cardinality # constant features are useless useless = (n_values < 2) | useless # also throw out near constant: near_constant = pd.Series(0, index=X.columns, dtype=bool) for col in X.columns: if col == target_col: continue count = X[col].count() if n_values[col] / count > .9: # save some computation continue if X[col].value_counts().max() / count > near_constant_threshold: near_constant[col] = True if near_constant.any(): warn("Discarding near-constant features: {}".format( near_constant.index[near_constant].tolist())) useless = useless | near_constant for k, v in type_hints.items(): if v != "useless" and useless[k]: useless[k] = False large_cardinality_int = integers & ~few_entries # hard coded very low cardinality integers are categorical cat_integers = integers & (n_values <= 5) & ~useless low_card_integers = (few_entries & integers & ~binary & ~useless & ~cat_integers) non_float_objects = objects & ~dirty_float & ~clean_float_string cat_string = few_entries & non_float_objects & ~useless free_strings = ~few_entries & non_float_objects continuous = floats | large_cardinality_int | clean_float_string categorical = cat_string | binary | categorical | cat_integers res = pd.DataFrame( {'continuous': continuous & ~binary & ~useless & ~categorical, 'dirty_float': dirty_float, 'low_card_int': low_card_integers, 'categorical': categorical & ~useless, 'date': dates, 'free_string': free_strings, 'useless': useless, }) # ensure we respected type hints for k, v in type_hints.items(): res.loc[k, v] = True res = res.fillna(False) res['useless'] = res['useless'] | (res.sum(axis=1) == 0) # reorder res to have the same order as X.columns res = res.loc[X_org.columns] assert (X_org.columns == res.index).all() assert np.all(res.sum(axis=1) == 1) if verbose >= 1: print("Detected feature types:") desc = "{} float, {} int, {} object, {} date, {} other".format( floats.sum(), integers.sum(), objects.sum(), dates.sum(), other.sum()) print(desc) print("Interpreted as:") print(res.sum()) if verbose >= 2: if dirty_float.any(): print("WARN Found dirty floats encoded as strings: {}".format( dirty_float.index[dirty_float].tolist() )) if res.useless.sum() > 0: print("WARN dropped useless columns: {}".format( res.index[res.useless].tolist() )) return res
def _apply_type_hints(X, type_hints): if type_hints is not None: # use type hints to convert columns # to possibly avoid some work. # means we need to copy X though. X = X.copy() for k, v in type_hints.items(): if v == "continuous": X[k] = X[k].astype(np.float) elif v == "categorical": X[k] = X[k].astype('category') elif v == 'useless' and k in X.columns: X = X.drop(k, axis=1) return X def _select_cont(X): return X.columns.str.endswith("_dabl_continuous") def _make_float(X): return X.astype(np.float, copy=False)
[docs]def clean(X, type_hints=None, return_types=False, target_col=None, verbose=0): """Public clean interface Parameters ---------- type_hints : dict or None If dict, provide type information for columns. Keys are column names, values are types as provided by detect_types. return_types : bool, default=False Whether to return the inferred types target_col : string, int or None If not None specifies a target column in the data. Target columns are never dropped. verbose : int, default=0 Verbosity control. """ if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): X = pd.DataFrame(X) X = _apply_type_hints(X, type_hints=type_hints) if not X.index.is_unique: warn("Index not unique, resetting index!", UserWarning) X = X.reset_index(drop=True) types = detect_types(X, type_hints=type_hints, verbose=verbose, target_col=target_col) # drop useless columns X = X.loc[:, ~types.useless].copy() types = types[~types.useless] for col in types.index[types.categorical]: X[col] = X[col].astype('category', copy=False) if types['dirty_float'].any(): # don't use ColumnTransformer that can't return dataframe yet X_df = DirtyFloatCleaner().fit_transform( X.loc[:, types['dirty_float']]) X = pd.concat([X.loc[:, ~types.dirty_float], X_df], axis=1) # we should know what these are but maybe running this again is fine? types_df = detect_types(X_df) types = pd.concat([types[~types.dirty_float], types_df]) # deal with low cardinality ints # TODO ? # ensure that the indicator variables are also marked as categorical # we could certainly do this nicer, but at this point calling # detect_types shouldn't be expensive any more # though if we have actual string columns that are free strings... hum for col in types.index[types.categorical]: # ensure categories are strings, otherwise imputation might fail col_as_cat = X[col].astype('category', copy=False) if"str").is_unique: # the world is good: converting to string keeps categories unique X[col] = lambda x: str(x)) else: # we can't have nice things and need to convert to string # before making categories (again) warn("Duplicate categories of different types in column " "{} considered equal {}".format( col, X[col] = X[col].astype(str).astype('category', copy=False) if return_types: return X, types return X
[docs]class EasyPreprocessor(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """A simple preprocessor Detects variable types, encodes everything as floats for use with sklearn. Applies one-hot encoding, missing value imputation and scaling. Attributes ---------- ct_ : ColumnTransformer Main container for all transformations. columns_ : pandas columns Columns of training data dtypes_ : Series of dtypes Dtypes of training data columns. types_ : something Inferred input types. Parameters ---------- scale : boolean, default=True Whether to scale continuous data. force_imputation : bool, default=True Whether to create imputers even if not training data is missing. verbose : int, default=0 Control output verbosity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, scale=True, force_imputation=True, verbose=0, types=None): self.verbose = verbose self.scale = scale self.types = types self.force_imputation = force_imputation
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """A reference implementation of a fitting function for a transformer. Parameters ---------- X : array-like or sparse matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples. y : None There is no need of a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): X = pd.DataFrame(X) self.columns_ = X.columns self.dtypes_ = X.dtypes if self.types is None: # FIXME some sanity check? types = detect_types(X, verbose=self.verbose) else: types = self.types types = types.copy() # low card int encoded as categorical and continuous for now: types.loc[types.low_card_int, 'continuous'] = True types.loc[types.low_card_int, 'categorical'] = True # go over variable blocks # check for missing values # scale etc steps_categorical = [] if (self.force_imputation or X.loc[:, types.categorical].isna().any(axis=None)): steps_categorical.append( SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent', add_indicator=True)) steps_categorical.append( OneHotEncoder(categories='auto', handle_unknown='ignore', sparse=False)) pipe_categorical = make_pipeline(*steps_categorical) steps_continuous = [] if (self.force_imputation or X.loc[:, types.continuous].isna().any(axis=None) or types['dirty_float'].any()): # we could skip the imputer here, but if there's dirty # floats, they'll have NaN, and we reuse the cont pipeline steps_continuous.append(SimpleImputer(strategy='median')) if self.scale: steps_continuous.append(StandardScaler()) # if X.loc[:, types['continuous']].isnull().values.any(): # FIXME doesn't work if missing values only in dirty column pipe_continuous = make_pipeline(*steps_continuous) # FIXME only have one imputer/standard scaler in all # (right now copied in dirty floats and floats) pipe_dirty_float = make_pipeline( DirtyFloatCleaner(), make_column_transformer( (pipe_continuous, _select_cont), remainder="passthrough")) # construct column transformer transformer_cols = [] if types['continuous'].any(): transformer_cols.append(('continuous', pipe_continuous, types['continuous'])) if types['categorical'].any(): transformer_cols.append(('categorical', pipe_categorical, types['categorical'])) if types['dirty_float'].any(): # FIXME we're not really handling this here any more? (yes we are) transformer_cols.append(('dirty_float', pipe_dirty_float, types['dirty_float'])) if not len(transformer_cols): raise ValueError("No feature columns found") self.ct_ = ColumnTransformer(transformer_cols, sparse_threshold=.1) self.input_shape_ = X.shape self.types_ = types # Return the transformer return self
def get_feature_names(self): # this can go soon hopefully feature_names = [] for name, trans, cols in self.ct_.transformers_: if name == "continuous": # three should be no all-nan columns in the imputer if (trans.steps[0][0] == "simpleimputer" and np.isnan(trans.steps[0][1].statistics_).any()): raise ValueError("So unexpected! Looks like the imputer" " dropped some all-NaN columns." "Try calling 'clean' on your data first.") feature_names.extend(cols.index[cols]) elif name == 'categorical': # this is the categorical pipe, extract one hot encoder ohe = trans.steps[-1][1] # FIXME that is really strange?! ohe_cols = self.columns_[] feature_names.extend(ohe.get_feature_names(ohe_cols)) elif name == "remainder": assert trans == "drop" elif name == "dirty_float": raise ValueError( "Can't compute feature names when handling dirty floats. " "Call 'clean' as a workaround") else: raise ValueError( "Can't compute feature names for {}".format(name)) return feature_names
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ A reference implementation of a transform function. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input samples. Returns ------- X_transformed : array of int of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The array containing the element-wise square roots of the values in `X` """ # Check is fit had been called with warnings.catch_warnings(): # fix when requiring sklearn 0.22 # check_is_fitted will not have arguments any more warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) check_is_fitted(self, ['ct_']) return self.ct_.transform(X)